Committee reports

The Board has four main subcommittees to which it delegates governance and compliance procedures and which support the Directors in their decision making. Audit, the Remuneration, the Nomination Committee and the Ethics & Sustainability Committees.

Audit committee

The Audit committee reviews the Group’s financial results and challenges management, internal audit and external audit functions on the financial reporting, risk, internal control and other compliance matters.

Remuneration committee

The Remuneration committee ensures that executive pay remains aligned with Company performance and the broader shareholder experience. The Remuneration Committee ensures the executive Directors remain motivated and incentivised, as the senior leadership team executes the approved strategy on a day-to-day basis.

Nomination committee

The Nomination committee supports the Board’s responsibility for ensuring that a framework of recruitment and retention of talent is in place to run the Company and that succession is well planned and executed in a timely manner.

Ethics & Sustainability committee

The Ethics and Sustainability Committee supports the Group’s development of environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) decision making.

The Committee also monitors new long-terms strategies to reduce our impact on the environment, improve our sustainability, and to monitor our stakeholder engagement procedures and to oversees our ethics policies.

Japanese sculpture in board room

Executive committee

The Board and its Committees are supported by an Executive Committee, comprising senior leaders across the Group.